Why Join Other Diseases To Cure The CDC

VIA Justin Reilly (thank you!)

"Abuse is widely and systematically carried out by the medical profession, the courts and federal and state governments against people with 'contested illnesses' such as mitochondrial disease, ME'cfs', Lyme, GWI, Fibro, etc.

By far the biggest reason is money, chiefly for the purpose of saving insurers- insurance companies and federal governments, particularly the US and UK governments- from having to pay out the massive short term liabilities to which they would be subjected if they acknowledged these were severe organic diseases. The ABUSE MUST STOP NOW!

IF YOU DON'T CARE BECAUSE YOU ARE HEALTHY, let me tell you that these are extremely disabling, often deadly disease and that combined, these diseases are exceedingly common. CDC itself estimates there are 300,000 new cases of Lyme in the US every year and only 30,000 of them are diagnosed; CDC estimates 4 Million cases of Fibromyalgia in the US; CDC estimates 1 Million cases of ME 'cfs' in the US and on and on. THE NEXT VICTIM COULD VERY WELL BE YOU OR YOUR CHILDREN!

Take action now by supporting "Cure the CDC": like this page and share the posts widely! Thank you!"


Showing 2 reactions

  • Diane Mathis
    followed this page 2020-09-01 02:23:23 -0400
  • Kathleen M. Dickson
    commented 2014-07-20 04:17:40 -0400
    The main reason the CDC needs to be prosecuted is that they’re whoring for BigPharma. They don’t want it known that the immunosuppression from fungal contamination of childhood vaccine vials results in the children getting the viruses instead of the protection (antibodies).