- Learn about ME-ICC and share that knowledge with family, friends and medical professionals
- Follow our blogs for in-depth evaluations, news, and actions to take
- Read our past blogs to learn the political history behind ME and CFS
- Join our website and email list for more information and actions you can take to help
- Become an MEadvocacy volunteer. We have volunteers ready to guide in areas of advocacy that people are interested in being involved
- Contact state and federal congressional members and share MEadvocacy materials to educate about the distinct disease ME as described by the ICC
- Share materials explaining the ME International Consensus Criteria locally to raise awareness
- Share the ICC questionnaire to anyone diagnosed with fibromyalgia, POTS, and other similar diseases
- Advocate for the adoption of the ME-ICC by signing the #PwME4ICC petition and ask family and friends to sign
- Follow MEadvocacy on Twitter @meadvocacy_org and Facebook page