ERISA laws are very complicated and we are grateful to Jeannette Burmeister for her excellent blogs outlining the new proposed additional laws which will benefit patients in their fight for long term disability.
This is a complicated matter and in our attempt to simplify, we have taken shortcuts with our blog about the subject issued on 12/31/05, which we regret. All credit for bringing this issue to the attention of the ME community as well as the interpretation of intricate details should go to Jeannette Burmeister.
We refer you to Jeanette’s two blogs on the subject for complete information about the issue and how to participate, including a sample letter: Thoughts About M.E. blogs ‘Department of Labor Proposes Lowering Bar for ERISA Disability Claims, Requests Public Comments’ and ‘Proposed ERISA Disability Regs: Instructions and Sample for Public Comments’.