hi, I'm newly joined and am not quite sure if spreading the word on research is what you do but there's an opportunity for 2 ME biomedical charities (UK based) to win £2000 for their research efforts by getting people to vote in a May and JUNe vote- the details are: Vote in the Direct Debit Big Break to raise money for each of the ME charities over the next few months. This is a great opportunity to help biomedical cfs/me research just by voting wherever you are in the world.The charity with the most votes wins the £2000 prize.In order to vote online you will need to be logged in with a valid Facebook, Twitter or Google account. When you vote Direct Debit will use your email address and IP address for the purpose of ensuring your vote is valid and to prevent multiple votes being logged. Personal information will not be used for any other reason. Or you: can vote via text message from your cellphone/mobile but this particular method is only available for Uk residents . Text and other voting involves clicking on your chosen cause's logo. The 2 charities are: In May vote:ME Association and in the June vote ME Research UK. Me association’s logo is purple-if unfamiliar you may wish to do a search for these charities to see the logo. To find the Big Break site:Internet Search: direct debit big break. PRESS ‘Big Break for charity’ on Left Hand Side. https://www.directdebit.co.uk/DirectDebitPromotions/BigBreak2014/Pages/CauseDetail.aspx?CauseId=381http://www.meassociation.org.uk/
Please vote for ME charitiesn to help win funds
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