National PR Campaign for ME Update 1-26-2015

Many thanks to everyone’s donations so far - we were able to apply the $1000 matching grant and to meet our goal of an additional $5000 for February.

Here are photos of the two picketers who were present at the opening day of the new Congress. They were picketing outside the Capitol Building in DC targeting members of Congress.

IMG_9011.jpg    IMG_9013.jpg


We have radio ads running on several FM/AM stations across the country primarily in smaller markets. I'm working on getting a copy of the ad, so you can hear it.


Mentions appeared on these internet radio stations:


There have been a few blog articles and tweets outside of the ME community, such as:


We have several interviews lined up for radio programs and health related podcasts.

The recent Google Hangouts interview on the Deapshow with Anne Keith (our first interview) had technical difficulties and so is being rescheduled. We’ll let you know when that will happen.  

We are also working on a response to the recent spate of “fear of exercise” articles coming out of the UK.  The PR firm is helping to compose that.


Looking ahead to February, things will ramp up to a larger audience.

The radio ads will continue to run.

At the upcoming IOM rollout meeting in Washington DC February 10th, we will have a representative.  Either Charlotte Von Salis will be there, or the PR firm will provide a backup in case she is unable to attend.

There will be outreach to policymakers, especially members of Congress who might have an interest in ME. Thanks to Wally for her work compiling a list of potentials.

There will be an organized social media campaign targeting major publications and the NIH/CDC.

Interviews with two major media outlets are in the works and should appear in February.

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We are fundraising as we go along, so if you want this campaign to continue past February, we need your donations now! Our goal is an additional $5000 for a total of $15,000 on the leaderboard by February 21, 2015.

Click here to for more info and to donate:

Showing 1 reaction

  • Colleen Steckel
    commented 2015-01-28 11:08:58 -0500
    Great start! Thanks for the update!