Help us Revitalize our Website & Further Advocacy Work


Thanks to one of our new volunteers, Olga Pinsky, our website is scheduled to get a revitalization. We are excited to have her bring a new look to our website with improved ME user-friendly functions.

In order to accomplish this she is leading a fundraising campaign to not only revitalize our website but keep our website up and running and have funds to help advance our ME awareness mission. Donations $50+ will receive 1 ME wristband Donations like the one shown above.



Please check out Olga’s video


$3,000 Website Fundraiser Deadline: 30 September, 2018


Please consider donating here:


#MyalgicE #PwME #PwME4ICC #MEICC #SevereME #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #MECFS #CFS