Anne Keith on Hidden Heroes Google + Talk Show Today Jan. 22 4pm EST

 10937498_1052342468125681_1638897439_n.jpg spokesperson, Anne Keith, will be discussing ME on the Hidden Heroes live talk show with Arielle and Aarin. The show is a Google+ Hangouts On Air live broadcast, which will air today January 22, at 4pm EST.

Click on the link to access the show:

Here's a link to a time zone converter so you can calculate for your time zone -

You don't need to be a member of Google+ to watch the show. I am not sure if the show will open up the floor for questions, but if so, you will need to be logged into Google+ to do that.

The show will also be archived for future viewing. We will post the link when it's ready.


Showing 1 reaction

  • Anne Keith
    commented 2015-01-22 17:29:35 -0500
    Technical problems prevented the interview today but it will be rescheduled soon.